Monday, May 4, 2009

Things I learned in EDM 310

In EDM 310, I learned how to properly use technology that I can implement in the classroom setting. I am majoring in secondary language arts and I was looking for ways to make it interesting to my students. I will use blogs as a way to get my students enthused about their written assignments. I will give them a list of topics to blog about and then I will grade their blogs entries for grammar and usage. We will also use blogs as a form of classroom discussion. I will also suggest that the teachers at the school set up blogs so that we can exchange advice and ideas.EDM 310.

Learning about Twitter I thought would be pointless. It surprised me when I discovered how useful it could really be. I can tweet with parents about the things we are doing in class and I can quickly contact them if there is a problem. I can tweet with other teachers for advice and can even keep in touch with my students over holidays and weekends using Twitter
Podcasts were interesting to learn about and also fun to do. Podcast are useful to gain information about various topics. While researching and preparing material for our group podcast I came up with a way to implement podcast in my future classroom. I can give the students topics to research and then let them do a podcast about the things they learned. This would be educational as well as entertaining.
I do not have PowerPoint on my home computer; therefore I can use Google doc’s presentation to set up
a slideshow that corresponds with my lecture. I know that some students are visual learners and like to see the material being presented to them. I can also teach my students to use it since it is free to do their classroom presentations as well. By allowing them to teach the class, it give the students a break from hearing my voice and gives them the freedom to teach others in ways in which they understand.

I will use Google docs spreadsheets to set up my grade book and to calculate my final grades. This way I know everything will be accurate. I will also use Google doc’s spreadsheet to organize personal information about my students such as their address and phone numbers.
EDM 310 is a very useful class in implementing technology in the classroom. I feel that by taking this class I am better prepared in the fight against video games and television.

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